Membership Application Process
If you are a registered health care provider, your application can be completed in 5 easy steps:
Complete our application form below
Upload proof of qualifications
Upload proof of registration at professional body
Make payment and upload POP
Signature to serve as signed statement that the individual will comply with the Guiding Ethical Principles of WAS.
If you are not a registered health care provider, you can still become a member, but the process is slightly more comprehensive.
All applications will be forwarded to the Membership Committee, which will review the application and grant provisional membership if all requirements have been met.
All provisional members and rejected members will be brought before the Advisory Committee and reviewed.
All provisional members will also be made known to the other members of WAS.
Provisional Membership might be withdrawn in cases where the Advisory Committee or other members object.
Rejected members will have the right to appeal to the General Assembly.
Final acceptance or rejection of membership is made by the next General Assembly.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions: membership@worldsexualhealth.net
Any National or International Sexological Society, Association or Institute may request admission to the World Association for Sexual Health.
A Sexological Society, Association or Institute is a properly constituted organization concerned with sexuality, whether research, education, diagnosis and/or therapy, sexual health, or sexual rights promotion.
International Organizations, National Organizations and Professional Institutes may apply for membership in WAS.
Those applicants who are admitted are invited to attend the General Assembly.
Between General Assemblies, the Executive Committee can grant provisional member status to an applicant member, as long as all proper documentation has been received and reviewed.
Final acceptance or rejection of membership is made by the next General Assembly.
After hearing the advice of the Executive and the Advisory Committees, the General Assembly, at the beginning of its ordinary meeting, will decide on admission of the applicant societies, associations, institutes or groups to WAS.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions: membership@worldsexualhealth.net
Supporting Material
Prepare the following documents and information.
Proof of qualifications and registration with a professional body in the country of origin (as a medical doctor, nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, psychologist, social worker, educator, or proof of employment as a researcher or in another academic capacity, related to sexual health, sexology, sexual rights or sex education, at a nationally recognized, legal, institution).
In cases where there is no qualification and/or professional registration as stated above, WAS will require:
A curriculum vitae.
Two letters of recommendation from colleagues respected in sexual health, sexology, sexual rights, or sex education, specifically referring to the individual’s scope of practice or work area.
A personal letter stating why WAS membership is desired and will benefit the individual.
A signed statement that the individual will comply with the ethical principles of WAS and not use WAS membership as a false representation of skills or qualifications. Please find the link to the Guiding Ethical Principles for review here.
Proof of payment.
Its statutes and bylaws/memorandum of incorporation or other regulatory documents.
A one-page report of the activities since its inception, primarily referring to the last year and a plan for the following year.
A written statement to confirm that the organization or institution operates within all legal and ethical frameworks within their country of registration.
Two letters of recommendation from colleagues respected in sexual health, sexology, sexual rights, or sex education, referring specifically to the organization’s area of work.
A signed statement that confirms that by becoming a member of WAS, your organization publicly subscribes to the Ethical Guidelines and Declarations of WAS. Please find the link to the Guiding Ethical Principles for review here.
Proof of payment.
The name of the Society, Association, or Institute;
The date of its formation;
Its purpose and objectives;
The names of its members and officers, including email addresses;
Links to social media accounts
Payment Options
Remember to download your proof of payment. You'll need to include this in your application.
Via our website:
Choose your options here.
Insert the correct amount based on the number of your organizational members.
When asked "what is this for?" , please, insert the name and surname of the applicant.
Wire Transfers:
Bank Name : US BANK Roseville
Bank Address : 2690 North Snelling Avenue, Roseville, Minnesota, 55113
Account Number : 104 784 650 681
Type of Account : Checking Account
Routing Number : 091 0000 22
Reference/required: Name and Surname of Applicant.​
Via our website:
Choose your options here.
Insert the correct amount based on the number of your organizational members.
When asked "what is this for?" , please, insert the Name of Organization.
Wire Transfers:
Bank Name : US BANK Roseville
Bank Address : 2690 North Snelling Avenue, Roseville, Minnesota, 55113
Account Number : 104 784 650 681
Type of Account : Checking Account
Routing Number : 091 0000 22
Reference/required: Name of Organization.​
(Directly Affiliated to WAS)
(1 - 100 Members)
(700 - 999 Members)

Or pay using
(Member of WAS Member Organization)
(101 - 399 Members)
(1000 - 1999 Members)
(400 - 699 Members)
(2000+ Members)
Review of Application
Once all the documents have been received, your application will be reviewed by the WAS Membership Committee and then presented to the WAS Advisory Committee.
This process can take up to six weeks.
The WAS AC can provide provisional membership with access to all the membership benefits.
Final acceptance of organizational members is provided by the WAS General Assembly.
The decision of any committee can be appealed.