Membership Options
WAS has four categories of membership:
organizational, individual, student and honorary
(awarded by WAS).
All categories enjoy all the privileges of membership, but only a certain number of organizational member representatives have voting rights in the General Assembly.
If your national or local organization is part of a WAS Federation, it is automatically a member of WAS.
WAS is not a certifying body.
Individual membership in WAS does not imply that WAS certifies the capabilities of the members.
Individual members cannot use membership to promote themselves.
For further information, please see the WAS Statutes and Bylaws.
Membership Benefits
The opportunity to participate in WAS committees and projects
Access to the WAS Members Area with educational resources
FREE access to the International Journal of Sexual Health
Discounted rates to attend WAS congresses
10% Discount on WPATH Membership
20% Discount on a WAS Accredited SAR
FREE access to WAS Members-only Webinars
Access to the WAS Broadcast Group for instant updates
The right to vote in WAS General Assembly
The right to present candidates for the WAS Advisory Board
The opportunity to participate in WAS committees and projects
The opportunity for networking with other members and recognized experts in sexuality-related fields
Promote your organisation’s meetings through the WAS database
Get endorsement of Statements through the WAS Statements Committee
Host official WAS World Sexual Health Day Events
Publicly note your association’s membership to WAS
Discount rates to ALL your members for WAS congresses
Discounted access for ALL your members to the International Journal of Sexual Health (only 50USD!)
FREE Access to WAS Members-only Webinars
Opportunity for ALL your members to be on the WAS Broadcast group to receive instant information from WAS
The right to bid for organizing a WAS world congress
Membership Fees
Members Type
Individual (not a member of an affiliated WAS organization, federation or professional body)
Individual (member of an affiliated WAS Member organization or federation)
Students (students of sexual health-related courses and institutions)