Sexual Rights Committee (2021 - 2025)
The Sexual Rights Committee (SRC) is a statutory committee of the World Association for Sexual Health. The purpose of this committee is to monitor and respond to breaches of sexual rights throughout the world and to provide evidence-based advice on sexual rights. It was founded in 1997 by Juan José Borrás-Valls and María Pérez-Conchillo in Spain.
WAS is dedicated to promoting sexual rights all over the world. This committee monitors their realization and reacts to infringements. We believe that sexual rights are universal and inalienable human rights that belong to every single human being regardless of their attributes, sexual orientation or preferences.
The Committee engages in the promotion of Sexual Rights by (a) writing and mailing letters to denounce the violations of Human Sexual Rights in different parts of the world, and (b) supporting other similar initiatives and signing letters which denounce the violation of Human Sexual Rights in different parts of the world.
Meet The Team

Past Members (2017 - 2021)
Interim Chair: Eszter Kismödi
Agata Loewe (Poland)
Bobby Khan (Bangladesh)
Eli Coleman (United States)
Faysal El Kak (Lebanon)
Felipe Hurtado-Murillo (Spain)
George Turner (United States)
Ingrid Geray (France)
K.S. Jeyarani Kamaraj (India)
Katrine Rose Andryushchenko (Russia)
Marcia Rocha (Brazil)
María Pérez-Conchillo (Spain)
Tamara Adrian (Venezuela)